Friday, December 11, 2020

For the Week of December 14th-18th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSDecember 11, 2020   Fourth Grade

Link to Spelling Bee 4th grade list and 5th grade list.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Finishing the cause and effect unit with the ending of The Cricket in Times Square
Language Arts:
Subject/Verb Agreement with verb tenses
Develop skills and a foundation for multi-digit multiplication
Identify who wrote the Declaration of Independence and why it was necessary.
2nd In Class Spelling Bee
Prepare for Christmas Program

Friday, December 4, 2020

For the Week of December 7th-11th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSDecember 4, 2020   Fourth Grade

Link to Spelling Bee 4th grade list and 5th grade list.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Understand that one thing can make another thing happen as we read The Cricket in Times Square
Language Arts:
Subject/Verb Agreement with verb tenses
Comparing decimals
Identify why the First Continental Congress was formed.
Accurately spell and write words with schwa a and o
Christ’s miracles had a purpose. They were never done for entertainment. People responded in different ways to His miracles. Christ’s miracles can teach us a lesson.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

For the Week of November 30th - December 4th

4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSNovember 20, 2020   Fourth Grade

Link to Spelling Bee 4th grade list and 5th grade list.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Understand that one thing can make another thing happen as we read The Cricket in Times Square
Language Arts: Action Verbs and writing a Fact & Opinion paragraph.
Math: Explore decimals within measurement
History: Identify why tension was rising between Great Britain and the Colonists.
Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with schwa a and o
Bible: Make Christmas Cards for Celebration Village

Friday, November 13, 2020

For the Week of November 16th-20th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSNovember 13, 2020   Fourth Grade

This year may present us with challenges, but we have so much for which we are grateful! Due to Covid and social distancing, we were not able to have our annual Psalm Celebration in the classroom as we have done in years past. We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share our gratitude for you and with you. So, your child’s teacher will be emailing a link to you on Friday, November 20th for the digital Fourth Grade Psalm Celebration! You will need to click on the slide with your child’s name and find their video. We are so proud of all of their work that went into this project.

Reminder about picking your child up after they attend Help Class:
-Please park and walk down to get your child from the gate at 3:10pm where they enter school each day.

Parents, the Trimester 1 report card is in today’s Friday Folder. Please sign one copy of the report card and send it back on Monday.

20-21 Fourth Grade Behavior Plan 
Now that we are beginning Trimester 2 and in an effort to continue to prepare our students for a smooth transition to Middle School, the following behavior plan is being implemented:

1st Offense- warning
2nd Offense- lose a few minutes recess
3rd Offense- silent lunch

Major- (Mrs. Titus is made aware.)
1st Offense-silent lunch
2nd Offense- detention
3rd Offense- meet with Principal

*Detentions are before or after school (depending on teacher’s schedule) for 30 minutes. The only exception to missing the assigned detention time is illness.
*Continuation of disruptive behavior may result in a Parent-Teacher-Administrator conference.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Understand that one thing can make another thing happen as we read The Cricket in Times Square
Language Arts:
Reviewing noun unit
Compare fractions and understand how fractions are related to decimals
Identify the outcomes of the French and Indian War.
Accurately spell and write words with schwa a and o
Christ performed miracles to show His power and to show that He is God

Friday, November 6, 2020

Week of November 9 - 13


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSNovember 6, 2020   Fourth Grade

Information about this year’s Spelling Bee is in your Friday Folder this week! First spell off is December 1st and Second spell off is December 15th.

On Friday, November 13th fourth grade will be having a guest speaker come in to discuss the importance of fractions in her work. Cindy Rich is a former NCCS teacher and currently the owner of a small business cookie bakery, Rich Sweets. We look forward to her sharing her real life experience and how Math so closely relates to her career. All 4th Grade Virtual Students will all be asked to join Mrs. Martin's Google Meet for this presentation. We will be sending out that link in an email next week.

What Are We Learning?

Understand that one thing can make another thing happen (Cause/Effect reading skill)
Language Arts:
Creating video for Psalm Reading
Use Mathematical models to compare fractions with different numerators and denominators, generate equivalent fractions, and justify their reasoning.
We will be beginning our United States History Curriculum this week. This year we will cover the road to war, American Revolution, Westward Expansion, Civil War, and the rebuilding of American life after war. As we cover these important topics, it will be taught with Biblical integration throughout each unit, emphasizing the results from God's influence and man's choices for our nation. Each student will also have access to their History book online. We will send their login information home in their agenda.
Accurately spell and write words with long u sound
Christ performed miracles to show His power and to show that He is God

Monday, November 2, 2020

For the week of November 2nd-6th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSOctober 30, 2020   Fourth Grade

For the last 2 weeks, we have been learning 2 sections in Proverbs 2 (verses 1-2 and verses 3-5). On November 6th, we will have a written test over Proverbs 2:3-5. Then on November 18th, we will have an Oral Bible Verse Test over Proverbs 2:1-5. They will only need to say the verse on the 18th to the teacher, not write all 5 verses. Please continue to practice Proverbs 2:1-2 nightly, as you add verses 3-5.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Review sequencing reading skill for upcoming assessment
Language Arts: Possessive Nouns
Math: Extend understanding of fraction equivalence
Science: Explore different animal adaptations and discuss balance within an ecosystem
Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with short u sound
Bible: Understand that Christ lived in Nazareth until He was 30 years old. Christ is an example of learning how to make wise choices.

Friday, October 23, 2020

For the week of October 26th-30th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSOctober 23, 2020   Fourth Grade

HOMECOMING 2020 | Spirit Days and Festivities- (Optional Dress Up)

Monday, October 26 - Movie Monday

Tuesday, October 27 - Twin Tuesday

Wednesday, October 28 - Wild West Wednesday

Thursday, October 29 - Through the Years Thursday

Friday, October 30 - Extreme Blue/White

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Small group practice and feedback to understand that there is an order to how things happen and things that are not directly related can happen at the same time
Language Arts: Irregular Plural Nouns
Math: Review and check for understanding of Unit 2 concepts
Science: Understand different symbiotic relationships
Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with short u sound
Bible: Understand the life of Christ better by becoming familiar with the land He lived in.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Week of 10/26-10/30


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSOctober 16, 2020   Fourth Grade

HOMECOMING 2020 | Spirit Days and Festivities- (Optional Dress Up)

Monday, October 26 - Movie Monday

Tuesday, October 27 - Twin Tuesday

Wednesday, October 28 - Wild West Wednesday

Thursday, October 29 - Through the Years Thursday

Friday, October 30 - Extreme Blue/White

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Small group practice and feedback to understand that there is an order to how things happen and things that are not directly related can happen at the same time
Language Arts: Identify common, proper, and abstract nouns
Math: Review and check for understanding of Unit 2 concepts
Science: Understand Symbiotic relationships and their impact on different ecosystems
Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with long o sound
Bible: Understand the life of Christ better by becoming familiar with the land He lived in. Students will locate on map the prominent regions, towns and rivers of the land of Palestine.

Friday, October 9, 2020

For the week of October 12th- 16th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSOctober 9, 2020   Fourth Grade

Want to earn a free personal pan pizza just for reading 20 minutes a night? See this week’s Friday Folder for more information and the reading log calendars.

Need information about the Book Report? Click here for information!

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Understanding that there is an order to how things happen and things that are not directly related can happen at the same time in our new reading unit - Sequencing
Language Arts: Proof reading and making revisions to our Psalm Writing rough draft
Math: Use multiplicative reasoning to make predictions based on information in an open response problem
Science: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the roles of organisms and the flow of energy within an ecosystem.
Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with the short o sound
Bible: There are two powers in this world: GOD and Satan. God will never tempt us to do wrong, but it is Satan who tempts us to sin.

Friday, September 25, 2020

For the week of October 5th-9th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSSeptember 25, 2020   Fourth Grade

Need information about the upcoming Book Report? Click here for information!

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Understanding the difference between the Main Idea and the Theme of a story
Language Arts: Psalm Writing
Math: Demonstrate how to work with factor pairs, arrays, and corresponding equations. Please take a moment to skim through the Unit 2 Family letter for information on our new unit.
Science: Identify the difference between relative and apparent motion
Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with the long i sounds
Bible: There are two powers in this world: GOD and Satan. God will never tempt us to do wrong, but it is Satan who tempts us to sin.

Friday, September 18, 2020

For the week of September 21st-25th

4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCS   September 18, 2020                                    Fourth Grade

What Are We Learning?

Reading: After reading a new passage, demonstrate that you can find the main idea and details.
Language Arts: Review grammar concepts in Unit 1
Math: Review rectangular arrays and explore patterns in square numbers
Science: Understand Newton’s Laws of Motion
Spelling: Review Lesson 1-5
Bible: Students will learn that JESUS CHRIST grew up in a typical Jewish society. Christ’s greatest attribute was obedience and that we need to follow that same example.

Friday, September 11, 2020

For the Week of September 14th-18th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCS   September 11, 2020                                    Fourth Grade

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Continue practicing the visual tool for main idea using the process questions while receiving small group feedback
Language Arts: Complex Sentences
Math: Explore measurement and geometry
Science: Explore three types of motion
Spelling: Demonstrate mastery by correctly writing words with long e sound
Bible: Students will learn that JESUS CHRIST grew up in a typical Jewish society. Christ’s greatest attribute was obedience and that we need to follow that same example.

Friday, September 4, 2020

September 8th - 11th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCS   September 4, 2020                                      Fourth Grade

Help Class starts next week! Please remember to email your child’s teacher a day in advance if you want them to attend. In that email, please let the teacher know exactly what your child needs help with so that work can be prepared in time. Pick up will be at 3:10 at the gate where 4th graders enter each morning. Otherwise, students will go to Flipside.

Bare’s Class - Tuesdays from 2:30-3:10pm

Martin’s Class- Wednesdays from 2:30-3:10pm

Reynolds’s Class- Fridays from 2:30-3:10pm

As a reminder, students will begin using this platform on Tuesday and Thursday at home next week:

On Tuesdays -Listen→Read→Record

1) Listen to the story first.

2) Read the story silently.

3) Record themselves on Raz-Kids as they read the story aloud.

On Thursdays -Listen→Read→Record→Quiz

1) Listen to the same story again.

2) Read the story silently.

3) Record themselves on Raz-Kids as they read the story aloud.

4) Complete the Quiz on Raz-Kids for this story.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Continue practicing the visual tool for main idea using the process questions while receiving small group feedback

Language Arts: Compound Sentences

Math: Students will solve a problem about codes based on place-value structures.

Science: Identify motion and force in moving objects

Spelling: Demonstrate mastery by correctly writing words with long e sound

Bible: Students will learn that JESUS CHRIST grew up in a typical Jewish society. Christ’s greatest attribute was obedience and that we need to follow that same example.

Friday, August 28, 2020

8/31 - 9/4


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCS       August 28, 2020                                      Fourth Grade

In today’s Friday Folder, you will find your child’s login information for Raz-Kids, a leveled reading platform we use to enrich reading comprehension and fluency in Lower School at NCCS. You can also find this platform is available to download as an app for your device of choice at home. Soon, fourth grade students will be assigned reading homework within Raz-Kids on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For these reading assignments, students will log into Raz-Kids to find their reading assignment. Use these instructions:

On Tuesdays -Listen→Read→Record

1) Listen to the story first.

2) Read the story silently.

3) Record themselves on Raz-Kids as they read the story aloud.

On Thursdays -Listen→Read→Record→Quiz

1) Listen to the same story again.

2) Read the story silently.

3) Record themselves on Raz-Kids as they read the story aloud.

4) Complete the Quiz on Raz-Kids for this story.

These reading assignments will begin after Labor Day.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Practice creating the visual tool for main idea using the process questions while receiving small group feedback

Language Arts: Identify simple subjects and simple predicates

Math: Explore different ways to estimate and solve multi-step word problems including addition and subtraction 

Science: Focus on the different planets and their unique features and characteristics

Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with short e sound

Bible:  Demonstrate an understanding that God’s promises always come true

Friday, August 21, 2020

For the Week of August 24th-28th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCS       August 21, 2020                                      Fourth Grade

Thank you parents, for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the Zoom Meeting with your child’s teacher last night! We look forward to partnering with you in your child’s education this school year! You are appreciated!

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Introducing Main Idea Unit

Language Arts: Identifying subjects and predicates

Math: Record numbers in expanded form and compare numbers through the hundred-thousands

Science: Focus on the different planets and their unique features and characteristics. 

Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with long a

Bible: Students will learn many of the names for JESUS.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

For the Week of August 17th-21st


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCS       August 14, 2020                                      Fourth Grade

We continue to enjoy getting to know your child and look forward to a great year! Each child is so special and it is wonderful how God has put us all together. We know He has great plans for us!
This coming Thursday, August 20th each 4th grade teacher will be on Zoom from 7:30pm to 8:00pm to answer questions that you submit on the Google Form sent by the Lower School Office. That Zoom link will be sent to you in a few days.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Reading Level Assessments

Language Arts: Reviewing the four types of sentences 

Math: Place Value thru hundred thousands 

Science: Phases of the moon

Spelling: Reviewing the Short A sound in Lesson 1

Bible: Different names for Jesus