Monday, November 2, 2020

For the week of November 2nd-6th


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCSOctober 30, 2020   Fourth Grade

For the last 2 weeks, we have been learning 2 sections in Proverbs 2 (verses 1-2 and verses 3-5). On November 6th, we will have a written test over Proverbs 2:3-5. Then on November 18th, we will have an Oral Bible Verse Test over Proverbs 2:1-5. They will only need to say the verse on the 18th to the teacher, not write all 5 verses. Please continue to practice Proverbs 2:1-2 nightly, as you add verses 3-5.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Review sequencing reading skill for upcoming assessment
Language Arts: Possessive Nouns
Math: Extend understanding of fraction equivalence
Science: Explore different animal adaptations and discuss balance within an ecosystem
Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with short u sound
Bible: Understand that Christ lived in Nazareth until He was 30 years old. Christ is an example of learning how to make wise choices.