Friday, May 14, 2021

For the week of May 17th-21st


4th Grade Friday Informer

NCCS                      May 14, 2021                         Fourth Grade

You will find the packet of information about the 5th Grade Summer Reading in your child’s Friday Folder. If you have any questions, please contact the 5th grade reading teacher, Cheryl Lawler,

Pettit Reserve field trip
- Is rescheduled for Friday, May 21st. 4th graders will enjoy an outdoor expedition while learning about food webs and the food chain. Students should wear gray class t-shirt and athletic shoes as we will do lots of walking. Please pack snack and disposable lunch in separate labeled bags with plenty of water.

What Are We Learning?

Reading: Understand that when trying to reach a goal or solve a problem, anticipation rises until something happens that influences the outcome as we finish our novel study of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Language Arts: Pronouns
Math: Students multiply units and non-unit fractions by whole numbers.
Science: Students will investigate what happens when light moves and how the eye works
Spelling: Accurately spell and write words with Greek and Latin roots
Bible: God has a special purpose for every Christian.